Tips to Reduce Your MEPCO Electricity Bill
Electricity bill are increasing rapidly with increasing graph of inflation in Pakistan. The duration of peak electricity consumption has been extended (From 5 PM to 11 PM). With all the new taxes and other charges a lower middle class household is receiving huge amount of utility bills. Every one is looking for some tips to reduce your MEPCO Electricity Bill.
Where recent increase in electricity tariff has cause higher power cost for many house hold, the electricity waste has also increased to 25% due to inefficient use of electric equipment. Hence, there is an obvious need to reduce your MEPCO Electricity Bill.
Effective Tips to Reduce Your MEPCO Electricity Bill
Get Status of Active Tax Payer
Did you know being an active tax payer can save a fair amount of money on your electricity bill. The Federal Board Of Revenue (FBR) has introduced an advantage for the active tax payers as they can avoid 7.5% withholding tax which is now applicable on every electricity bill over PKR. 25000 every month. So, if you are not active tax payer, get ready to pay withholding tax on your electricity bill.
Use Minimum Appliances During Peak Hours
Peak hours of electricity consumption starts from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM are electricity rates are also significantly high during these peak hours. So avoid using appliances during peak hours as it will cost your extra amount in your MEPCO electricity bill.
Use Of LED Lights
LED lights are energy efficient and can save you a lot of money compared to conventionally used bulbs. If we compare an LED light with conventional bulb, LED light only consume 12 watts of electricity and it also increase the brightness significantly.
So upgrade your light to LED, as it will save you a fair amount in you electrcity bill.

Invest In Solar Power
Everyone knows solar power can help you save money on energy bills. However, switching your whole house to solar power might seem like a costly task impossible for everyone. Setting up solar panels to collect some of your power is a smart way to keep costs down. You could buy a smaller solar panel and connect things you use often to it, like lights, fans, and outdoor lighting. Another benefit is that these solar-powered lights and fans will keep working even when the power goes out, so you can keep using them.
Disconnect All Electronic Devices That Are Not In Use
Another good way to lower your power bills is to turn off all electronics you aren’t using. In other words, you should unplug and turn off your tools when not in use. Also, don’t forget to unplug everything, even your phone charger, when you’re done using it!
Your power bills might not change much if you unplug electronics and appliances. This can help you save a little money. After all, using more power costs a lot of money. Besides that, it makes use of materials that are already scarce. We should think about the next generation and save energy for them.
Apply White Paint To Your Roof
Another good way to lower your power bills is to turn off all electronics you aren’t using. In other words, you should unplug and turn off your tools when not in use. Also, don’t forget to unplug everything, even your phone charger, when you’re done using it!
Your power bills might not change much if you unplug electronics and appliances. This can help you save a little money, though. After all, using more power costs a lot of money. Besides that, it makes use of materials that are already scarce. We should think about the next generation and save energy for them.
Check Devices That Use A Lot Of Energy
Get an electrician in your area to visit your house and look around to see which parts use more energy and why. People who have lived in the same house for a long time won’t bother to fix broken sockets or old wires. These small but important electrical things use more power. Fix the leaks in your home if you want it to use less energy. This method will cost less, and it will also lower your power bills.
Block the Sunlight
Protecting your home from sunlight is best to get rid of extra heat naturally. How do I do this?
With blinds and curtains, you can keep your home from getting too hot in the summer. This method will work especially well if your house has a lot of big windows.
Select Your Air Conditioner Wisely
Make sure you pick the right air conditioner when you buy one. The machine you pick should look good in your room. A big air conditioner will not make the room cool down faster; that is a popular myth. Getting an air conditioner the right size for your room will cool it down and lower your power bill. In Pakistan, most houses are not insulated. The warm weather lasts for more than half the year. Your power bills will go down if you buy the right AC. Before buying anything, study to find the best brand and size.
Read Also: Mepco Bill Calculator
Inverter Refrigerators Are Energy-Efficient.
Because they use less energy, inverter fridges can help you save money on your power bills, just like inverter air conditioners. Since refrigerators are used every day of the year, think of how much money you could save on electricity if you switched from a regular fridge to an inverter fridge.
These little steps(tips) will definitely help you to reduce your MEPCO electricity bill.